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What to Expect During Your First At-Home Primary Care Visit

At-home primary care visits have become increasingly popular in the modern world–and not just because of the rise of technology. House calls by medical professionals provide a wide range of benefits. Patients who are elderly, disabled, or living in remote areas can avoid the hassle and risk of traveling to a hospital or clinic. 

From the provider's perspective, at-home primary care visits can contribute to more personalized care, as providers can observe patients in their natural living environment. House calls also allow medical professionals to practice comprehensive and holistic care, whereas, in a clinic, they may not always have that opportunity.

Benefits of At-Home Primary Care Visits

At-home primary care visits are incredibly convenient for patients because they eliminate the need to travel to a medical facility. This can be especially beneficial for those who experience chronic illnesses or mobility issues. Even those with busy lives and schedules can receive care in the comfort and familiarity of their own homes.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, people have become more aware of infections, and avoiding crowded waiting rooms and medical facilities can reduce patients' risk of exposure to contagious illnesses. 

Home visits also allow providers to better understand their patients' living environments and tailor their care accordingly. Providers who visit patients at home can provide them with greater medical attention, especially in comparison to traditional clinic visits, where the “revolving door” approach to diagnosis and care seems to reside.

Preparation Before the Visit

When you are getting ready for your first at-home primary care visit, it is essential to collect any recent medical records, test results, or information about your current medications and brush up on your health history. This information will help your medical professionals provide the most informed and personalized care. 

Even though your appointment is in the comfort of your own home, you should create an optimal environment for the provider to examine you. Ensure the space is relatively quiet, for example, by putting pets in another room or keeping children occupied. Choose a well-lit space so your provider can properly examine you if you have any physical concerns. 

One of the best ways to maximize your time is to write down any questions, symptoms, or issues you want to discuss in advance. This practice helps prevent you from forgetting to address any important concerns.

Initial Consultation

The initial consultation is the perfect opportunity for you and your provider to become acquainted with one another. Your provider will conduct a thorough review of your medical history before discussing your lifestyle habits, health concerns, and goals. 

Additionally, they will encourage you to share any questions or concerns you may have. Maintaining an open and honest dialogue with your provider is ideal, as they can only help you if they have a comprehensive understanding of your needs.

The hope is to establish a collaborative relationship so your provider can develop a personalized care plan that addresses your unique health needs and lays the foundation for ongoing high-quality care.

Medical Assessment and Examination

During the initial consultation, the provider will likely perform a physical examination. The exam may include assessments like the ones listed below:

  • Vital signs, such as your blood pressure, respiratory rate, heart rate, and oxygen levels 
  • Musculoskeletal assessments to evaluate your range of motion and flexibility
  • Cardiovascular and pulmonary assessments, such as listening to the heart and lungs with a stethoscope and possibly conducting spirometry to measure lung capacity
  • Abdominal palpation, where your provider will use their hands to feel the abdominal region to detect any tenderness, abnormalities, or masses in the tissues and organs
  • Neurological assessment to test your reflexes, coordination, and cognitive abilities
  • Visual inspections of your skin to determine if there are any abnormalities
  • Orders for imaging or bloodwork, if needed

The provider will bring a portable medical kit containing the necessary equipment to conduct a comprehensive examination at home, which typically includes gloves and other personal protective equipment, a penlight, a reflex hammer, an ophthalmoscope for examining the eyes, an otoscope for examining the ears, a thermometer, a blood pressure cuff, and a stethoscope.

Discussion of Treatment Plan

After the medical assessment and examination, your provider will discuss their findings with you, explaining any diagnoses and underlying causes of your health concerns and their recommendations for treatment or further evaluation. Your provider will take the time to ensure that you fully understand the assessment and rationale behind what they propose and address any questions or concerns.

Your provider will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan. Depending on your current condition, this may involve prescribing medication, recommending changes in your lifestyle, or providing immediate medical interventions. 

The collaborative treatment plan will be tailored to your preferences and circumstances, taking into account your living environment, current symptoms, and medical history. Your provider will likely encourage you to actively participate in the decision-making process and empower you to make informed choices about your care.

Prescription Medications and Follow-Up Care

If necessary, your provider will prescribe you medication and ensure you understand the purpose, dosage, and potential side effects. Afterward, they will provide you with a notification that they’ve sent a digital prescription to be filled.

Your provider will schedule follow-up appointments or tests to monitor your progress and adjust the treatment plan as needed. They will also share instructions on how to reach them or the office if any questions or concerns arise.


At-home primary care visits provide a range of benefits, including convenience, reduced exposure to illnesses, and a more personalized, collaborative relationship with your provider. Taking time to prepare for your first appointment can result in a smoother and more productive visit.

If you are looking for convenient healthcare, at-home primary care visits can make a huge difference for you or your loved ones. Contact Community Healthcare Partners to learn more or schedule an appointment today.